Business Administration Division

The Business Administration Divisionn is responsible for executing business administration decisions consistent with strategic planning, organizational development, and overseeing the general administrative oversight of the business affairs of the church. This division coordinates and directs the activities of workers in service departments within the business division as well as supervises and coordinates activities of personnel involved in performing internal operations in departments/divisions of the church. The Business Administration Division oversees financial management, administrative support, technical support and human resources.

Division Strategy

  • To encourage members to be good stewards over what God has given to them in planning events thereby not being wasteful
  • Effectively manage capital and human resources
  • Encourage teams to plan events in a timely manner to better ensure maximum participation
  • Use state of the art technology to prepare and provide high quality multi-media content to Mount Calvary Baptist Church members and our partners in the surrounding community
  • Usage of gifts to move Mount Calvary Baptist Church toward its goals and be a part of the decision making process

Benefits of Involvement

  • Usage of gifts to move Mount Calvary Baptist Church toward its goals and be a part of the decision making process
  • Closer connection to the Mount Calvary Church Family
  • Opportunity for God to use YOU to take the church where He wants it to go
  • Allow God to use YOU to reach those that don’t know Him