Men's Ministry

Welcome to the Mount Calvary Baptist Church Kingdom Men Ministry!
Our Mission
Our mission is to support, encourage, and edify men in a Dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and equipped them for service to God and humanity. The Men’s Ministry mission is to come together as men and share the gospel through studies that will encourage men to be the men God wants them to be. We must focus on the task of becoming better husbands, fathers, as well as great leaders in the church.
Our Vision
Our vision is to have all the men of Mount Calvary come together as one, on one accord, in one spirit, to lead the body of the church and to engage in all the ministries of the church such as the tribe ministry, the evangelism ministry, the homeless ministry, the marriage ministry and most importantly our youth and children’s ministry.
Our Prayer
Our Heavenly Father, Our mission is great: we pray that you grant the Men’s Ministry the wisdom to provide the correct support, love and guidance for ALL Men. Oh GOD, in the mist of the storm; allow us the comfort of its eye. Let our actions be positive steps in a journey to get closer to you.
As we stand before you Lord, as soldiers of Christ Jesus, we say thank you for your WORD heavenly father. There may be some among us that are not sure who you are heavenly Father. We pray that you draw all men closer to you in the name of Jesus.
We the men who do know you, as sheep that are cared for by YOU, the shepherd; Our God, we know your whispering voice. Thank you Father for all that you are doing in our lives. Lord allows this Men’s Ministry “the brotherhood connection” the ability to nurture the seeds you have sent us. Lord as we pray to you as men of God, we ask that you allow this brotherhood ministry the opportunity to lead individuals into a dynamic relationship with YOU and equip all who are willing for service to GOD and humanity. In JESUS name we pray………..Amen.
Kingdom Men
Join the Men of Mount Calvary for a time of fellowship, encouragement and bible study designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities.
For additional information contact Ministry Leader, Vincent Shaw at: kingdommen@mcbcfs.org